Who Are You Believing?
By: Kristen L. McNulty
From magazines to the media to the shopping malls and school halls we're being sold a message that who we are is not enough.
As we check out in the cash line the magazines tell us that we need to follow their ten steps in order to be slimmer, smarter and more sexy and savvy, because we can't attract others the way we are.
On TV we're told- or is it sold- that unless we drive a certain car or drink a particular beverage we amount to something less.
At school the message is sent that if we dress a certain way or our parents don't have a large income that we fall short of our classmates and are lucky if they so much as glance in our direction.
When we hear these messages day after day isn't it easy to start believing them? Too look in the mirror and not be happy with what you see? Or to always feel like you don't measure up?
The only way to stop feeling this way is to stop buying the lies and instead fix our eyes on the truth. Just like you can't catch a fish until is takes the bait and swallows the hook, you and I are only as worthless as we believe ourselves to be because we swallow the lie, hook, line and sinker. Right here and right now let these truths about you from God's Word sink in:
You are a masterpiece, created anew in Jesus so that you can do the good things He's planned for you (Ephesians 2:8).
You were created uniquely by God when you were still in your mothers womb (Psalm 139).
God has more precious thoughts about you than can be counted (Psalm 139).
God cares for you (Psalm 8).
God loves you and no matter where you go or what you experience, nothing can separate you or disqualify you from that love (Romans 8).
Your life is not random or forgotten- God has a plan for you and watches over you (Psalm 3, Jeremiah 29).
Don't you see? You don't need to embrace a fad diet, buy designer shoes, trade in your car or move to a different neighbourhood- you are a precious creation just as you are and you are loved by your creator. You aren't just enough, you're more than enough, a masterpiece who is more precious than you can even comprehend!
So the next time a magazine or an ad tells you that you're not enough, put down the book or change the channel and instead fix you're mind on the truth of who you are and just how valuable that is!
Reprint rights available on request. Email the author at kristenmcnulty@hotmail.com.
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