Helping Ukraine
By: Kristen L. McNulty
Reprint rights available on request. Email the author at

Normally at this time on MAD, we'd have a devotional where we'd tackle a topic or share the need to put our faith into action in an area of our lives. Since we all already know as Christians we are called to act in a situation like the people of Ukraine are facing, instead of going over verses that tell us why we should help, I wanted to share with you ways we can help.
A disclaimer: this program isn't aired live. It's recorded between 4 and 7 days before you hear it, depending what day of the week your radio station airs it on. As of today when recording it, war is still raging in the country. I hope and pray by the time you're hearing this that peace has replaced war, but either way, the people of Ukraine have had their lives uprooted and changed forever.
Many have seen their homes get destroyed. Others have lost a loved one. Hundreds of thousands have left everything they have to enter another country as a refugee in the hopes of finding safety. People are hurting and people are suffering. If this was happening next door, we could open our homes and invite people in or go over with the aid they need. We can't do that because of the distance, but we can support organizations who are currently on the ground in Ukraine.
So here's a list of organizations we can donate whatever we can to.
United Help Ukraine gathers and distributes medical supplies and humanitarian aid to those who are injured in the war in Ukraine. You can donate to them at
Ukraine Christian Ministries supports local churches who are housing hundreds of displaced people. They need our donations to provide food, bedding, medicines and other essentials to those who have been forced to flee their homes. Send in your donation to Ukraine Christian Ministries at
World Vision is helping refugees who have crossed over to Modova or Romania. They are distributing aid packages, including hygiene and child-friendly kids to refugees. Donate to their efforts at
Those are just three of the main organizations working on the ground right now. If each and every one of us gave sacrificially we could be making a difference in the lives of those who desperately need some hope and help.
Alongside with giving, let each and every one of us commit to praying for Ukraine, for all of those who have been affected by the crisis, for the lives lost in the war and for peace to reign.
In 1 Timothy 2:1 we are instructed:
"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." 1 Timothy 2:1
So let's pray. For strength for the people of Ukraine. For comfort for those who have lost a loved one. For the Gospel to still go forth. For encouragement for the churches. For wisdom for their leaders. And ultimately, for peace to reign. While many of us are separated by an ocean between us and Ukraine, that does not need to stop us from acting, giving and praying.
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