Faithful Through Trials (Joseph's Story)
By: Kristen L. McNulty
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A few years back I developed a problem with insomnia. It was in the days before Netflix and Amazon Prime, so the result was I got to watch a lot of late night television. I was expecting infomercials, but instead I came across one show after another labeled as Christian programming. While some were great and helped me to grow in my faith, others gave me the shudders as the message they were teaching was in complete contrast to the truth we're given in the Bible.
False Teachings On Suffering
One preacher who faithfully came in night after night wanted me to send away for some "miracle manna" that would take away any health or financial problem thatI might be experiencing. Another teacher wanted to convince me that if my life was anything less than perfect, Satan had a foothold on me and I needed to rebuke him. Another promised that if I sowed a seed of faith into their ministry (aka send them money), God would reward my faithfulness in the form of more money and bigger blessings.
While I was tempted to order the "miracle manna" just to see what it tasted like, I was also tempted to write some of these preachers and ask them some pretty serious questions. For example, were they familiar with the story of David? The sufferings of Jesus? Or perhaps a little book in the Bible called Job?
Faith Doesn't Always Equal Healthy, Wealthy & Happy
It's not just on late night television. There are many who would try to convince us that unless we're wealthy, healthy, and super happy, we've done something wrong or missed some sort of spiritual blessing. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but that's not the way it always works.
We can see this in many stories in the Bible, but a favorite of mine is the story of Joseph (found in Genesis, starting at chapter 37). Here is someone who had it all in the eyes of the world. He was his father's favorite son. He knew that God had great plans for his life. Regrettably just when everything looked like it was going to plan, it all changed.
Thanks to his jealous brothers, Joseph was sold into slavery. I know you've probably heard that many times before, but just think about what that must have been like. This young man with a bright future was betrayed by the ones who were supposed to love and protect him. He was sent away to a distant land to live under someone's rule, now knowing a soul there and likely not even knowing the language of the land. Isolated and lonely he would have likely started at the bottom of the ranks, doing all of the tasks that the other slaves wouldn't want to do. He would have had to work from early in the morning to late in the evening, never knowing if he would ever be freed from this life or if he would ever even see his family or homeland again.
If that wasn't enough, even though Joseph remained faithful to God throughout his time as a slave, he was still falsely accused. Offered the chance to sleep with his boss' wife, Joseph did the right thing and refused. Instead of being rewarded for his integrity, Joseph was accused of rape and sent to jail.
The Reality Of What Joseph Faced
Think of what that would have been like. Sitting in a dark cell in a strange country with no defense lawyer or high powered advocate fighting on your behalf. Knowing without a miracle, you might never again see the light of day. Having endless hours to ponder about the dreams you had as a young man and the promises you received from God for a bright future.
Now imagine that this story took place in the 21st century and someone broughta television into Joseph's cell and he turns it on only to find a TV preacher telling him that he is in that very place since he hasn't given God enough of his money, he hasn't eaten "miracle manna", or he's got the devil inside of him.
The Walking Wounded
I know it sounds crazy, but that's the lie that is being sold to many of us today. We're told that if life isn't going according to our plan, then we did something to mess it up. As a result, we've got way too many Christians walking around wounded, not knowing how to fix their circumstances when it's not up to them to fix in the first place.
Am I saying that we never make mistakes or human choices never influence where we might end up in life? No. There are times where we do place ourselves in situations that we shouldn't be in and make bad choices that do carry consequences. But my point here is that isn't always the case. Christians go through trials and Christians go through tribulations. It's not because we are big sinners, but because sometimes God allows things to happen that cause us to grow or bring glory to His name or fulfill His plan for our lives.
We also need to understand that while we as Christians might be redeemed for eternity in heaven, free from pain and suffering, right now we still live in a fallen world and do go through difficulties as a result of it (i.e. illness, job loss, family conflict).
Being Faithful Even Through Trials
Joseph is a perfect example of a life story where someone experiences more than one unexpected detour along the way and even though it seems so unfair, Joseph doesn't let that stop him from living life God's way. He makes the choice to be faithful, not knowing where that would lead him. In the end it's his faithfulness to God that eventually leads to a series of circumstances where the slave sitting in jail ends up being appointed to second in command in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh!
What an incredible story of what God did in the life of one of His children who remained faithful even when life didn't go according to plan!
The Future Joseph Never Dreamed Of
One thing worth noting here is that while Joseph ended up in a position that many of us would envy, that position wasn't one he likely was dreaming about when he was a boy growing up at home or even when he was in a prison cell serving time for a crime he didn't commit. Sometimes God changes our direction or we're only clued into the destination once we've arrived. Also at times the destination looks very different than what we had envisioned. Sometimes disciple training 101 involves going through some rough times along the way. Sometimes learning to follow in the footsteps of Jesus involves partaking in the suffering of Christ. Often growing in our faith puts us in the path of situations that test us in that very faith.
We must continually keep in mind that in the Bible we learn that faithfulness doesn't always equal fruitfulness. Obedience doesn't always mean no obstacles. And trust often takes us down a road with many twists and turns.
Don't Buy The Lie
No matter what circumstances you're facing today, please don't believe the lie that there's a spiritual formula you have to buy into in order to escape. After all, had Joseph escaped from slavery, he might have escaped from years of grueling labor and time in prison, but he also would have never ended up as second in command to Pharaoh or in a position to literally save the lives of his family. Sometimes the very circumstances we look to escape from are the very ones that are all part of God's plans for our lives. And that's where trusting Him comes in. He loves you, He has a plan for you and even if He doesn't give you an escape route out of this trial, He's not going to leave you alone to walk through it.
"Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." Isaiah 43:1-3
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